Mandy Pullen

Esoterics § Astrology § Shamanism


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Welcome - this website is home to the work with which I’m currently engaged, the study of our souls as the defining aspect of our lives, those of the past as well as the present. You will find aspects of astrology, mysticism, theosophy and shamanism here and, in the future, probably much more. The tenets of perception, perspective and paradigms, with which most of my more recent work was concerned, will remain whilst my focus broadens and deepens. Do have a wander round by clicking on the menu above or the buttons below to find out more.

Some recent feedback following an in-depth astrology session.

“Mandy has a gift for seeing clearly and pinpointing the essence of any issue. This gift is central to all her work.” SD

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“Thank you for the inspiration and insight - your newsletter is the one I look forward to most each month!" Jess West

Events in 2025 - click title to go to the page

The Treasury - in person workshop - Saturday 29th March - Gloucestershire

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Neptune in Aries Workshop online - Sunday 30th March

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Shamanic Sundays Group online - Sunday 6th April 10am - 12.30pm

Shamanic group

Groups / Feedback


If you’d like to support my work you can buy me a tea or coffee by clicking the button below. It will take you to my ko-fi site where you can choose how many cups and whether to use PayPal or a card.

Click here or on the cup below